Friday, June 12, 2009


These photos were taken in downtown Pensacola on Saturday.
On Thursday I gave the photos a new look.
On Friday I shared them with you. :)


  1. love the cop car. not sure why?! also love the 'new look' on the red car. I think i need to come over and get a PS lesson or two. speaking of...what you are doing tomorrow night?

  2. The red car is my favorite. I really like the look and the deep red color of the car, but also love what you did with the blue sky. I really like the texture.

  3. oh i see that i did say tomorrow night?! what i mean was 'what are you doing tonight?'

  4. The red car has a comic book effect. Interesting processing. I often have trouble typing my entire name when posting. It only lets me type a letter or two :(

  5. Sylvia I thought you were just being clever and kinda undercover like.
