Saturday, August 22, 2009

mr. glover...

In keeping with my resolution not to put things off till later, I took the time to go meet Mr. Glover. He lives on Davis Highway just as it turns into MLK Drive. Mr. Glover was sitting in a chair on the sidewalk when my friend and I drove up. He asked if he could help me. I told him I was terribly curious about his home and wondered if I could take some pictures. He said I could... for a dollar. I gave him a five (it's all I had). He said I could take as many pictures as I wanted for that five dollars and offered to let me take his picture as a bonus!

Mr. Glover is a junk man. He collects anything and everything but actually has a sense of order about all the odd pieces he tucks here and there. He lives in a shed on the property and pays his 89 year old father $100.00 a month for rent. He also told us that he had been in Vietnam and came from a family of 11 children, 3 of whom had already died. Mr. Glover was a bit anxious and concerned with us knowing that he had already paid his property taxes, he repeated this statement a number of times.

He was kind man, albeit a bit off, who eagerly shared in conversation. This is the "everyday" stuff I don't EVER want to miss!

Sunday, August 16, 2009


This chimney on Scenic Highway has been there my whole life. I stopped only last week to look at it. I have driven by hundreds of times and each time, if I really gave it notice, I thought, hum, wonder what that is about? When I did stop, it was more of an opportunity for silliness with Stella, and don't get me wrong, I LOVE shooting that girl, but something bigger happened. I realized that I was ASSUMING that the chimney would always be there. It would stand until I decided to take notice. Like the white sand beaches, or the naval museum, or blackwater river, or, or or. Most likely they will be here but will I? I am also assuming that I will always have my sight, my ability to freely move my body, and have a clear mind.

I made a commitment some time back to become purposeful in seeing and smelling "the roses".Having done so, I feel I take more time than the average person, YET, even I lag far behind in REALLY seeing all that is to be seen in my everyday life. It is the everyday experience that we are taking for granted. We usually wait for vacations to see any sights and how often is that?

What in your everyday life are you missing?

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Stella. What can I say, she is such a tom boy. She told me she hates that dumb ole dress she is made to wear, says she can't do what she wants to do because it is not "lady like" in a dress. It is a constant tug-of-war to keep her presentable. The virtues of being a young lady do not impress her. I said, "but Stella, you can do all those rough and tumble things and still be feminine while doing them". She scoffed. I have my work cut out for me.

Friday, June 19, 2009


Meet Mark and John. I met them while walking through Ferdinand Plaza on a Saturday afternoon. I first noticed the luggage; it wasn’t your typical backpack for storing cool drinks and a snack. It held everything they owned. I asked them why they were there. They said they had no place else to go, they were homeless. They actually said the word homeless. But where do you sleep? I asked. “Wherever we can, until someone runs us off” they said in unison. John, the black man came here after Katrina. He needed assistance from the VA. He was wounded years ago while serving in the army. The funds were not coming quickly enough. No car, no home, no money, homeless. Mark had already drank his fifth of something by the time I met him. His story was similar. I asked if I could take their picture. Mark immediately became suspicious and accused me of being with the media. I told him I was not and he wanted to know why I had “such a big camera”. He won, and continued to hide his face while I snapped away. They were kind, I believed only a bit of what they said, seems I would have spun quite the tale myself if I were in that situation. I gave them what I had; only a few dollars each, it would buy lunch.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

dumpster art...

Rust. It is my new found love, but only in dumpster art.

With time, gouges and scrapes become rust,

transforming parts of a plain, utilitarian container

into art that could be showcased in a gallery.

It truly delights me to find such beauty in an ordinary place.

Friday, June 12, 2009


These photos were taken in downtown Pensacola on Saturday.
On Thursday I gave the photos a new look.
On Friday I shared them with you. :)

Thursday, June 11, 2009

fish and chips...

Southern style, goooooood eatin!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

spaceship house...

I took this photo yesterday and then did some research to find out more about it. A Finnish architect designed this UFO shaped dwelling in 1968, initially for use as a ski-cabin or vacation home.

The idea behind the design reflects the optimism of the sixties. At the time people believed technology could solve all problems for the human race. The ideal was of a new era, a space-age, where everybody would have more leisure time to spend on holidays away from home.

The Futuro house was completely furnished and could accommodate 8 people. It was constructed entirely out of reinforced plastic, a new, light and inexpensive material back then. The plan was to mass-produce it, so it would be cheap enough to house all people around the earth. Because it was so light-weight, it was easily transportable by helicopter. Mobile living was the new possibility for the future. People could now take their moveable home with them, to wherever they went, and live like modern nomads.

Unfortunately the 1973 oil crisis spoiled all these plans. Prices of plastic raised production costs too high to be profitable. Only 96 Futuro houses were ever built; 19 of those are in the USA. This one is located on Pensacola Beach.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


a puddle at the end of the driveway and a small toy boat...
together they soothe my soul

Monday, May 25, 2009


The clouds today were absolutely breathtaking in beauty.
And, they were free for the viewing.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

proof reading...

Spotted this little gem as I was leaving the Goodwill today.
Hum... going green? How about going back to school for speling?

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Stella and I came across this construction site today. The girl is crazy fearless when it comes to having her picture taken in odd places. We may go out again later in the week. Stay tuned...

Friday, May 8, 2009

new perspective...

I have a new perspective on photography.
For the vast majority of my life I used a camera half heartily; taking a few snapshots of the boys when they were growing up, but that was about it. When the grand babies started coming along I took a few more pictures, still without much gusto. In August, I bought a new camera, mostly I thought, to capture the fast movements of those wile babies.
I was never interested in taking photos of "things", only people. And while people remain my first love, I have really begun to enjoy capturing the everyday, the ordinary, the unnoticed "thing". I can no longer drive in my car, or ride along, without looking for the next photo opportunity. Everyplace...everything...everyone has taken on a different look these days.
I like my new eyes.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

to yummy goodness...

Sit and relax with a DOZEN donuts?
oink, oink (snort) that is soooooo gluttono... I mean... uh... hi Sylvia, my dearest friend and sister. What I meant to say (now that I think about it), is sure, what a better way to relax, settle your nerves (and clean out the colon) then to sit down with a full box of yummy, warm, glazed Krispy Kreme donuts? I can hardly think of anything better (not the truth). AND just in case anyone's counting, that would be 2400 calories per box. Enjoy!

Friday, April 24, 2009


Seldom, if ever, do you see a brick lined beachfront.

Thousands and thousands of red bricks; corners smoothed by four plus years of constant tide, have settled in to make this stretch of beach one of the most awe-inspiring places I've seen.

Out of devastation came beauty.

I genuinely try to see beauty in the most simple of things. Success is not always 100%, but I AM purposeful in my endeavor. I want to see with my heart as well as my eyes. Living any other way is not an option.

How are your eyes and heart today?

Thursday, April 23, 2009

the unexpected ...

What is value?

I sent an email the other day that included the top photo and this explanation:

I bought an ugly pic at the thrift shop because I wanted the frame. When I took it apart this is what was on the back of it.

Having just downloaded a new batch of "frames and textures" I really sent the picture out to share my excitement at achieving "the look" I was going for. The responses were quite unexpected.

Oh my goodness...I love that pic.

What a treasure...that is very awesome.

I LOVE that, I hope you're keeping's awesome... weird what some people will cover up.

That's interesting...I wonder if there is any money behind it.

That's very nice.

Then I started thinking; what is value?

The actual photo, sans textures and beefed-up-frame, is plain and uninteresting. I doubt all the added features gave the photo it's new value. Was it the mystery?

-Why was the photo hidden behind the canvas?
-What caused those letters to imprint on the photo?
-Who put it there?
-How old is it?

What is value? I'll continue to seriously ponder this question.

Thank you to my friends for playing . And no, there was no money behind it. :)

new day

welcome to blogging!!