Saturday, August 22, 2009

mr. glover...

In keeping with my resolution not to put things off till later, I took the time to go meet Mr. Glover. He lives on Davis Highway just as it turns into MLK Drive. Mr. Glover was sitting in a chair on the sidewalk when my friend and I drove up. He asked if he could help me. I told him I was terribly curious about his home and wondered if I could take some pictures. He said I could... for a dollar. I gave him a five (it's all I had). He said I could take as many pictures as I wanted for that five dollars and offered to let me take his picture as a bonus!

Mr. Glover is a junk man. He collects anything and everything but actually has a sense of order about all the odd pieces he tucks here and there. He lives in a shed on the property and pays his 89 year old father $100.00 a month for rent. He also told us that he had been in Vietnam and came from a family of 11 children, 3 of whom had already died. Mr. Glover was a bit anxious and concerned with us knowing that he had already paid his property taxes, he repeated this statement a number of times.

He was kind man, albeit a bit off, who eagerly shared in conversation. This is the "everyday" stuff I don't EVER want to miss!


  1. he reminds me of sanford and son.
    did you notice the "clergy" tag on the yellow car?

  2. I'm sweet on that multi-colored picket fence. Thanks for sharing with us, Donna!

  3. Oh, to just dig around and see the stuff! Does he have some way of deciding what he gets or is it just on a whim?

  4. he lives close to me. i drive by there and wave each time i see him. he is almost ALWAYS out there. my fave is that he decorates for each holiday ... right around the front fence.

  5. Dave pointed out the Clergy on the car, I had not seen it. I did however see all the religious statues and painted crosses here and there.

  6. I feel the same way Marty dose about going threw all his things!

    I remember the first I drove past that house, I thought that place was a thrift shop!
